Objective: To discuss the effectiveness of Doula painless labor combined with PCEA. 目的:探讨导乐分娩配合PCEA用于无痛分娩的效果。
Levobupivacaine Hydrochloric for Painless Labor on Apgar Score and Blood Gas 盐酸左布比卡因用于无痛分娩对新生儿评分及血气的影响
Labor epidural anesthesia ( LEA) is a widely used technique for pain relief during labor in recent years and is regarded as the development trend of painless labor. 硬脊膜外阻滞无痛分娩是目前应用最广泛的无痛分娩方法之一,被公认为代表了今后无痛分娩的发展方向。
The control group was given the same treatments as that in the experimental group except painless labor. 对照组除不用无痛分娩法外,其他产科处理措施与实验组相同。
Application of Epidural Anesthesia in Painless Labor 硬膜外阻滞在无痛分娩中的应用
Clinical study of planned painless labor 计划无痛分娩的临床研究
Observation of the Effect of Painless Labor by Auricular Acupuncture 耳穴无痛分娩效果观察
Result: Painless labor in the experimental group could significantly relieve labor pain in active phase and potential phase ( P < 0.01). 结果:实验组潜伏期及活跃期的疼痛明显减轻,与对照组差异有高度显著性(P<001);
Observations on the Curative Effect of Clinical Applications of Painless Labor Apparatus 无痛分娩仪临床应用效果观察
[ Conclusions] Comfort care combined with finger pressing of the acupoints is a noninvasive, convenient and effective painless labor methods with no side-effect. [结论]舒适护理配合指压穴位是一种无创伤,无副作用,简单有效,可行的无痛分娩方法。
Study on Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation for Painless Labor 经皮电穴位刺激无痛分娩的研究
The clinical analysis of 128 cases on analgesia for painless labor 应用无痛分娩法镇痛128例临床分析
The analysis of 60 cases of painless labor by extradural block anesthesia 硬膜外阻滞麻醉无痛分娩60例分析
Objective: To study the effect of analgesia for painless labor and its influence on mother and fetus. 目的:研究无痛分娩法用于分娩镇痛的疗效和对母婴的影响。